Booking and Virtual Consultation Platform Terms of Use

Effective date: 1 August 2021


1.      Here you’ll find the Unifyhealth terms of use. By using Unifyhealth to book a consultation you agree to these terms of use.  If you do not agree to these terms of use, unfortunately we ask that you please do not use Unifyhealth to book a consultation.

2.      Any reference in these terms of use to “Unifyhealth”, “us”, “we” or “our” means Unifyhealth.

 3.      New Zealand law applies to these terms of use.

About Unifyhealth

Unifyhealth is a service run by:-

ProCare Network Ltd

Level 1, 12 – 16 Nicholls Lane, Parnell
PO Box 105 346, Auckland 1143 

New Zealand

Unifyhealth is:-

o    a consultation booking service

o    a virtual consultation platform

that provides Kiwis with a convenient and easy to use platform for booking consultations and using for a virtual medical consultation.

Eligibility to use Unifyhealth services

4.      You may not use Unifyhealth for bookings or virtual consultations unless you are at least 16 years of age.

5.      You cannot book a virtual consultation with Unifyhealth for someone else unless you are the person’s parent or guardian.

Information provided

6.      You agree that all information you provide to Unifyhealth will be true, accurate and correct. You will update us promptly if any of that information provided by you becomes outdated or is otherwise inaccurate as this may be relevant to the services and bookings Unifyhealth offers you.

Booking a consultation

7.      You may not use Unifyhealth to make unauthorised or fraudulent bookings or to disrupt the ordinary use of Unifyhealth.

Booking security

8.      You are responsible for all activities conducted using your Unifyhealth user details. You must ensure that your account or user details (including any login, username, password or PIN) relating to your booking are kept confidential and not disclosed to any third party. Please let us know as soon as possible if you think someone is making or might make unauthorised use of your booking or user details.

GP’s advice

9.      Unifyhealth does not provide consultation services, all bookings are made with New Zealand Registered Medical Practitioners. Unifyhealth makes no warranties, whether express or implied, as to the content of any virtual consultation. 

Suitable location and support persons

10.   You agree to have suitable quiet and private space available for your virtual consultation and to let the GP know if your whānau are supporting you during your virtual appointment. 

Access to your camera and audio

11.   To use Unifyhealth’s virtual consultation service on the Unifyhealth platform we require access to your device’s camera and audio during your virtual consultation and you agree that the Unifyhealth platform can access your camera and audio.

12.   You agree not to record or have another person record or take photographs of your virtual consultation without the written permission of the GP.

Technical issues

13.   You acknowledge there could be some technical problems that may affect your virtual consultation. While we will do our best to make sure Unifyhealth services on the Unifyhealth platform are available and running smoothly, we can’t guarantee that you will be able to use Unifyhealth services on the Unifyhealth platform at all times, or that it will be uninterrupted or error free.

14.   You acknowledge that if there’s a technical problem of any kind during the virtual consultation, for example if the picture freezes or the sound stops from a poor internet connection, the GP will be required to complete the consultation over the telephone. Your GP will call you on the phone number you provided when you made your booking for a virtual consultation. Please also refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy below.


15.   Unifyhealth takes every effort to use approved, secure digital services and connections and a video conferencing provider which has end to end encryption. However, you acknowledge that there is a very small risk that this could be compromised, and your personal information, including your health information, might be affected.


16.   Unifyhealth prides itself in providing accessible and affordable healthcare to its patients. Your payment card will be charged the applicable Unifyhealth virtual consultation fee (as set out on our website) once your virtual consultation has been completed. Patients requesting a virtual consultation via the Unifyhealth platform will be presented with the applicable charges at the time of requesting an appointment booking.

17.   If Unifyhealth have reason to believe that you have used another person’s payment card, bank account or payment details without their permission or knowledge, it may disclose information relating to the transaction to that other person, law enforcement agencies or their bank.

18.   Please also refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy below.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

19.   This policy is applicable to all Unifyhealth virtual consultation bookings.

19.1        You will receive up to three notifications of your virtual consultation appointment:

- Your booking confirmation (email and SMS / text confirmation);

- Confirmation (email and SMS / text) up to six hours before your appointment; and

- A final reminder confirmation (email and SMS / text) 15 minutes before your appointment including a link for your virtual consultation

19.2        You will be entitled to receive a full refund if you cancel your appointment six hours or more before your appointment time. If you wish to reschedule your booking to an alternative time, you will need to cancel your booking six hours or more before your consultation time and then re-book a new appointment.

19.3        You will be charged the full consultation fee if:

- You cancel your booking within six hours of your appointment time; or

- You have made a booking but don’t turn up for your appointment.

19.4        Should you wish to book a new virtual consultation due to your non-attendance at your original virtual consultation, you can choose to do so, but you will have to pay the full virtual consultation fee as applicable.

19.5        If during the course of a virtual consultation, a GP feels that the patient needs to be seen in-person you will still be charged the full virtual consultation fee. The in-person consultation will be a new consultation for which you’ll need to pay the GP directly.

19.6        If during the course of a virtual consultation, you change your mind and stop your virtual consultation you will still be charged the full virtual consultation fee.

19.7        If during the course of a virtual consultation, a GP decides to discontinue the provision of advice, or the prescribing or delivery of medication you will still be charged the full virtual consultation fee. You will not be charged any consultation fee in circumstances where a GP has to discontinue the provision of advice, or the prescribing of delivery of medication in the event of an emergency. 

19.8        In the event that a GP is unavailable to attend a scheduled appointment then you will not be charged any consultation fee. If you still wish to see a GP, you will need to make a booking for a new appointment.

19.9        In the event of a technical failure the GP will be required to complete the consultation over the telephone. Your GP will call you on the phone number you provided when you made your booking for a virtual consultation. You will still be charged the full virtual consultation fee.

19.10     If you believe you are entitled to a refund, please contact us at Any disputes in relation to charges, payments, and refunds will be addressed by Unifyhealth.

Limitation of liability

20.   Access to and use of Unifyhealth’s services is at your own risk.  Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, we exclude all representations, conditions and warranties whether express or implied (by statute or otherwise) to the fullest extent permitted by law.

21.   Subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986, but otherwise to the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not liable to you for any loss or damage (whether it is direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising out of, or in connection with the use of, Unifyhealth’s services.


22.   You agree to release Unifyhealth from any claims that you may have against Unifyhealth and will at all times indemnify Unifyhealth against all proceedings, actions, claims or demands made by any person whether for personal injury, (including death and disability) or otherwise and whether occasioned by negligence, breach of a statutory duty, tort, equity, breach of contract or otherwise suffered as a result of or in connection with you using Unifyhealth’s services.

Privacy and information collection

23.   By using Unifyhealth’s virtual consultation service, you authorise us to collect, use and disclose personal information obtained in connection with your usage of Unifyhealth’s virtual consultation service in accordance with our Privacy Policy and these terms.

If you do not consent to the GP you book sharing your consultation notes with your regular GP in accordance with our Privacy Policy then it will be your responsibility to inform your regular GP of any treatment and medications prescribed.

Changes to these terms

24.   We may vary these terms of use from time to time without prior notice. We will post the updated terms together with the date of any update.  You are responsible for ensuring that you are aware of the latest version of these terms of use. By continuing to use Unifyhealth, you’ll be taken to have accepted the latest version of these terms of use. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms, you must stop using Unifyhealth.

Changes to the Unifyhealth booking or virtual consultation service

25.   We can modify, suspend or discontinue all or part of the Unifyhealth booking and virtual consultation service at any time, with or without notice, including patch updates, bug fixes, revised user interface and interactable features. 

Intellectual property rights

26.   We own or hold rights to use all intellectual property rights in the Unifyhealth platform and all content made available through the platform from time to time.   You may use the Unifyhealth platform as made available by us from time to time, subject to these terms of use.  This does not give you any rights in the Unifyhealth platform, or any of its components or content, and you must not copy, modify, adapt, reproduce or republish them. 

User obligations

27.   You will not use, or submit information to, Unifyhealth that would be, or materially contribute to, a breach of law in any country. 

Accuracy of information

28.   All information, data and advice provided on Unifyhealth is provided for information purposes only.  Unifyhealth does not warrant and accepts no liability for the accuracy, currency or completeness of information or data on, or provided by Unifyhealth. You will not rely on, and Unifyhealth will not be liable for any errors or omissions in, any of the information, data and advice provided on Unifyhealth.

 Limitation of liability

29.   While we will do our best to make sure Unifyhealth is available and running smoothly, we can’t guarantee that you will be able to use Unifyhealth at all times, or that it will be uninterrupted or error free.

30.   Subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986, but otherwise to the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible or liable for, your ability or inability to use Unifyhealth, any breach in security of your device used to access the Unifyhealth, or any loss or damages (whether it is direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) suffered by you in connection with, or arising from your use of Unifyhealth.

31.   We do not make any representations or warranties (whether express or implied) about any third-party websites, applications, products and services.  You maintain full responsibility for your dealings with third parties and you use of any benefit or service provided by third parties.

 Additional costs

32.   You are responsible for costs associated with using Unifyhealth on your mobile device, for example, any data charges.

Breach of these terms of use

33.   If we have reason to believe that you may have breached these terms of use, we may need to block or restrict your access to Unifyhealth.


34. All dollar figures stated on Unifyhealth (including, but not limited to, premiums and benefit limits) are in New Zealand dollars and include goods and services tax (unless otherwise stated).

Concerns or complaints

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints in relation to Unifyhealth, the services or these terms of use please use the Feedback Form on the Unifyhealth website or contact Unifyhealth by sending an email to

35.   In using the health service provided through Unifyhealth, you have the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights, and can also make use of the services provided by the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service