Privacy Policy

Effective date: 16 December 2021

Unifyhealth collects and uses your personal information in various ways. In doing so Unifyhealth complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020. This policy sets out how we collect your information, how we use it and your rights in respect of your personal information. 

This policy is updated from time to time and any updates will be posted on the Unifyhealth website and will apply to any collection of your personal information after the effective date specified above.

Any reference in this Privacy Policy to “Unifyhealth”, “us”, “we” or “our” means Unifyhealth Limited.

Collecting your personal information

We collect personal information:

  1. When you enter, upload or disclose information as part of using Unifyhealth’s services on the Unifyhealth website; and

  2. Relevant to the provision of Unifyhealth’s services to you, including your NHI and the name of your enrolled practice.

That personal information will include but not be limited to your name, gender, date of birth, contact details, and your health information.

Purpose of collection and use of personal information

Unifyhealth will use your personal information only for the following purposes:

  1. To set up your account on the Unifyhealth website;

  2. To provide you with Unifyhealth’s services;

  3. To keep you and others safe;

  4. To determine your eligibility to receive publicly funded services;

  5. To identify where you have enrolled to receive primary care services;

  6. To prepare and publish statistics (your personal information will be anonymised);

  7. To provide you with information (including promotional material and news) where you agree to receive such information;

  8. Responding to authorised requests for information; and

  9. To improve or update Unifyhealth’s website and Unifyhealth’s information and services.

We will only share your personal information:

  1. With health and social care providers you have chosen, or with our administrator support team where this is necessary to complete your transaction. For example sharing your details with an Urgent Care clinic you are trying to book an appointment with;

  2. Where we have your consent to do so (or consent from your representative where you are deceased or unable to exercise your rights in accordance with the Health Information Privacy Code 2020); or

  3. Where we are required to do so by applicable law.


How we store your personal information

We use our best efforts to keep your information secure, confidential and protected.  You have the right to know where your information is kept, who has access rights, and, if the system has audit log capability, who has viewed or updated your information. Your information will be kept securely to prevent unauthorised access.

Your health information is stored with a secure cloud service hosted entirely in New Zealand.

Unifyhealth always maintains your personal security during consultations as governed by New Zealand’s Telehealth regulations, standards and guidelines.


Access to and correction of personal information

You may at any time request access to, or (if necessary) correction of, any personal information about you held by Unifyhealth by contacting You don’t have to explain why you’re requesting that information but may be required to provide proof of your identity. If you request a second copy of that information within 12 months, you may have to pay an administration fee. If you ask for your personal information to be corrected Unifyhealth should provide you with reasonable assistance. If Unifyhealth chooses not to change that information, you can have this noted on your file.


Information quality

Unifyhealth is required to keep your information accurate, up-to-date and relevant.


Use of cookies

The Unifyhealth website uses both non-persistent and persistent cookies to manage visits to the site. Non-persistent cookies are temporary and are deleted when a browser session is closed and persistent cookies are used in order that third party vendors, such as Google, can serve ads based on a user's prior visits to the Unifyhealth website (and app).

Other than as noted above, information about a visit to the Unifyhealth website (and app) is not permanently stored on a visitor's personal computer.

While Unifyhealth recommends that you enable cookies in order to enjoy all the features of Unifyhealth website and app, this is entirely up to you.

Website analytics

Unifyhealth uses services such as Google Analytics, which will issue cookies from their own servers and which will be able to track website (and app) visitors throughout the Unifyhealth website [and app] and through any other sites that use those services. Unifyhealth does not control how those cookies are issued, or the data that they store. Please refer to the Google Analytics Privacy Policy for more information.


Use of data and information collected from website and visits

Unifyhealth will not sell or reveal information obtained about its visitors to anyone outside of Unifyhealth unless:

  1. It is specifically authorised by the visitor;

  2. It is legally required to do so; or

  3. Such disclosure is required to protect the safety of employees, visitors, customers, or property.

Use of email or mobile number for customer communications

During your interactions with us via the Unifyhealth website, you can supply an email address or mobile number which we will use to contact you about our service. Unifyhealth does not sell or rent email addresses or mobile numbers to third-party organisations.